Saturday, May 30, 2009

What's Acute Anxiety

by Randy Black

Acute anxiety disorder is a psychiatric condition that is distinguished by its brief panic attacks. For the most part, some habits and activities change too.Most people with acute anxiety symptoms have stated that they have had at least one panic episode in their life and many confirm to have had more. It is counted that more than 2.1 percent of the adult populus in America has acute anxiety. Often, acute anxiety shows up before the age of 24.Men and women often develop acute anxiety when they have a traumatic experience. Studies have confirmed that women are about two times more prone to develop this disorder than males.

Acute anxiety disorder is frequently brief, lasting mere minutes or hours. When a person is going through a panic attack, they may be withdrawn and develop mood swings. It's possible to bring on this condition by abnormal fear or worry. Those who go through panic attacks usually perceive that these experiences to be the scariestpoints in their life. |Sufferers agree that it's extremely scary to go through an panic attack.}Sufferers tend to crave to avoid the spot where they first got their panic attack where they usually feel like they are losing control.This is what's more commonly named the "Flight or fight" response.

Many things can cause a man to have a panic attack. Phobic responses or grief are some of the more usual causes.Acute situational anxiety is the normal step after a person faces something extremely scary.A huge life experience can also be a cause. Cannabis, mushrooms, drugs, emotions of low self-worth, "what if thinking," and even caffeine or nicotine can lead to acute anxiety depression. Long-term panic disorders can be begot by the environment or could even run in the family.

Acute anxiety symptoms are mainly grouped into physical, perceptual, mental and emotional groups. The physical symptoms are shortness of breath, lightheadedness, uncontrollable itching and crying, claustrophobia, , exhaustion and racing pulse. The way a sufferer perceives the surroundings also changes. Time may seem to slow down or speed up, it may seem as if they are in a dream or develop the so called tunnel vision. The person feels utter terror, remembers old phobias and feels a variety of fears. Loss of control, extreme stress and fidgeting, feeling that everything is fall apart and unhelpful internal dialogue are but a few mental states that a person goes through.

Help for panic attacks vary. It is best to seek out the help of a medical professional. From our experience, there is no single acute anxiety cure. Often the sufferers are helped by a bunch of therapies.Medicine is mostly very helpful in the beginning stages of the condition.As it's commonly believed, pills only hide the symptoms, but they usually don't treat the cause.

Eventually, the cause of this disorder is the bad emotions and thoughts that should be addressed in the first place. Self help books, tapes, seminars or an experienced doctor is usually the missing link. The good news is that acute anxiety is not life threatening and most people go on to make a full recovery.

Take this Anxiety Test now and get a free detailed report with simple to understand graphics and a breakdown of your situation.

Related info:
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Best Anxiety Medicine

Acute anxiety treatment options

About the Author

Take this Anxiety Test now and get a free detailed report about anti anxiety medication with easy to read graphics and a breakdown of your situation.

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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Panic Attack Signs

by Theresea Hughes

Panic attacks are a very serious problem that affect many people all over the planet. They are often taken lightly because of their nature. People may think they are simply brought on by someone being too worrisome or overreacting.

However, panic attacks are brought on by a very real fear. It is important to be able to recognize the signs. Symptoms of panic attacks can vary from person to person, but are fairly similar at a biological level. While they may be brought on by different stimuli, the symptoms are usually fairly easy to recognize.

While it may seem as though a panic attack is the body collapsing in upon itself, the fact is that a panic attack is a very normal response to danger. Although the danger is perceived improperly, it is still taken very seriously by the body. The heart rate increases along with breathing and adrenaline levels. This is the fight or flight response the body takes on during a dangerous situation. These natural responses are the first visible signs. Signs and symptoms of panic attacks are typically highly visible.

A person begins to sweat initially. This is a response to increased blood flow and a rising body temperature. This is caused by a rapid heart rate and increased breathing. A person may begin to feel short of breath and start taking rapid, shallow breaths. These are only the first signs.

Symptoms of panic attacks can continue and get much worse if there is not an immediate reaction and attempt to slow the onset of the panic attack. If steps are taken to stop the panic attack at this point, a person may not need to worry about further problems - but if the panic attack continues, things can get much worse.

The body enters the fight or flight mode in response to an immediate danger. It is a primeval method for getting away from predators or severe threats, but the body cannot maintain this level for very long. The increases in performance from the body's systems puts tremendous strain on the individual.

This can lead to exhaustion and dizziness as the body wears itself down. Sweating can lead to dehydration and adrenaline levels can lead to numbness or tingling in the limbs. A person experiencing these sensations needs to immediately lie down and take steps to relax.

If a panic attack is recognized immediately because of the visual signs, symptoms of panic attacks can be lessened to the point where the panic attack it averted altogether. It is important to stop panic attacks as quickly as possible due to the possible long term effects. While panic attacks pose an immediate risk, the long term damage can be quite severe.

About the Author

By recognizing the signs and symptoms of panic attacks which are immediately visible, it is possible to stop the panic attack and lessen the risk to the person who is suffering. You can visit and get helpful free tips to prevent panic attacks here at

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Friday, May 22, 2009

Anxiety Attacks - It´s Time To Get a Reality Check on Your Panic Attacks!

By Bertil Hjert

Learn more about the Panic Away system here.

Dealing with panic attacks can be exhausting, humiliating and depressing. The fear you feel about having a recurrence, being embarrassed in front of others, or being unable to get the assistance you need during an attack are real. These feelings are powerful and can severely hamper your ability to enjoy your life.

Before you decide to become a hermit or recluse, there are a couple of things you can do to give yourself a reality check on your anxiety condition.

Start with the Truth! This is a simple concept but hard to implement. Panic attack sufferers are worry warts. They worry about everything! They imagine every possible, horrible scenario in any given situation.

You could be driving to pick up your kid in a landlocked area and somehow imagine that you could drive off a cliff into the ocean. It´s important not to exaggerate your fears. The fear behind the cliff scenario is that you could get into a car accident. Car accidents happen all the time and most of them are hardly as spectacular or deadly as driving off a cliff into the ocean.

You have a real fear; it should be a small fear, not a full blown, visual horror show playing through your mind. Take a moment when you start to feel that fear creeping up on you and analyze that fear. How real is that fear? How likely is the terror you imagine?

It´s important that your fears be connected to probabilities or the likelihood of it coming true. A creative mind is generally a good thing but in anxiety sufferers, it can spell disaster!

Take a moment and make sure that there is truth in what you fear and that you are not over exaggerating the problem. Sometimes, just this simple check, is enough to stop the adrenaline surge of panic. Common sense can overpower your feelings. Give it a try...

Another important factual piece of information to use when experiencing anxiety problems is to remind yourself that a panic attack or anxiety symptoms aren´t going to kill you. The racing heart, the shallow breathing, the tingling in your hands and feet are certainly uncomfortable and disquieting but they are not going to cause your death.

Sometimes in the midst of a panic attack, it´s hard to remember that these feelings are fleeting and that you will recover without damage to your body. You may feel like you are coming apart at the seams and that your body has gone into overload but your body is much stronger than you think and it will recover and so will you without lasting physical effects.

In fact, your body was designed to be able to deal with these symptoms; these physical manifestations are the natural reaction of your body in an adrenaline surge. So next time you feel the anxiety rising, remind yourself that death is definitely not imminent.

Anxiety and panic attack sufferers often fear they are losing their mind and that being institutionalized is the next step. This is obviously a terrifying and debilitating thought for many people.

While your condition may have caused you to start acting a little strange, avoiding crowded places, only driving within 5 miles of your house, or always retracing your steps at least once, there are so many millions of Americans suffering with similar problems that have not been institutionalized and are certainly not going crazy.

You are not crazy; you need to reassure yourself about this if you ever feel that way. You have a problem, like so many other Americans and your daily struggles are probably not even observable to most people.

Our society is a secretive one, we don´t talk about money and we certainly don´t talk about health problems. As a result, you probably know countless people who have anxiety problems but you don´t even realize it and they are too ashamed and embarrassed to tell you.

They probably don´t realize that you have a problem either. While our actions and reactions may strike ourselves as crazy or bizarre, most people will never realize that you are avoiding the produce aisle in the supermarket or can´t sit in the middle rows of a theater.

Strangers, acquaintances, colleagues, even family are quite often just not that tuned in to what´s going on around them. Remind yourself that you are not crazy and no one else thinks you are either!

Take a moment next time you feel that anxiousness creeping up on you and take a reality check on your fears. Are they real, are they based on probabilities? If the fear does come, remember the feelings are transient, they will pass and you are not going crazy. You will recover, you always do and life will continue on, it always does.

About The Author

From Bertil Hjert – The author of the Panic Goodbye Program. Read more about my brand new eBook at: or visit my blog:

Download your free eBook "Stop Panic Attacks and Deal with Your Anxious Thoughts" here:

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Famous Panic Attacks

Probably none more memorable on TV as the panic and anxiety attacks suffered by Tony Soprano of HBO's "The Sopranos". All footage is the property of HBO.

Learn more about the Panic Away system here.

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Suffer from panic attacks no longer!

Have you ever experienced a panic attack? A panic attack is a period or sudden moment of intense anxiety accompanied by physiological pain, stomach problems, and sometimes fainting.

Stress is usually the cause of panic attacks. There are other factors such as highly anxious moments and certain phobias like fear of enclosed spaces or overcrowded areas.

You can beat this. With the new Panic Away system. Here's how it works:

After a person experiences a panic attack for the first time, the experience can be so impacting that it leaves a strong imprint on the persons psyche. This mental imprint generates a cycle or loop of anxiety whereby the person develops an unhealthy fear of having another panic attack. People can spend anywhere from months to years caught in this repetitive cycle of anxiety.

Learn more about the Panic Away system here.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

What does An Anxiety Attack Feels Like?

by Steve S Scott

This is a question that crops up rather a lot and personally I find it a hard one to answer. For instance, if someone tries a new food for the first time, they often say it tasted like chicken. For me, trying to explain what an anxiety attack feels like is similar to trying to explain what strawberries taste like to someone who has never eaten a strawberry. It's a totally unique flavour. A strawberry tastes like a strawberry so how can I explain it.

In addition to this there are many different and varied symptoms that can occur when someone is gripped by an anxiety or panic attack. For example, some people can have heart palpitations whilst others might experience difficulty in breathing. In my own experience the feeling wasn't so much physical but psychological. Everything became surreal.

I've been clear of anxiety attacks for about 6 years now but I vividly remember how they affected me. When I suffered an anxiety attack I felt totally alone and cut off from everything. My surroundings were exactly the same but I felt completely detached from them. I felt as if I didn't have a link or bond with anyone or anything.

This is the best way that I can sum up what an anxiety attack feels like and I hope it made some sense. If this sounds familiar to you and you have experienced similar feelings then unfortunately you are likely to be suffering from an anxiety disorder. If you haven't consulted with your doctor already then it might be time to do so. Don't let this condition fester and ruin your life.

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