Saturday, May 30, 2009

What's Acute Anxiety

by Randy Black

Acute anxiety disorder is a psychiatric condition that is distinguished by its brief panic attacks. For the most part, some habits and activities change too.Most people with acute anxiety symptoms have stated that they have had at least one panic episode in their life and many confirm to have had more. It is counted that more than 2.1 percent of the adult populus in America has acute anxiety. Often, acute anxiety shows up before the age of 24.Men and women often develop acute anxiety when they have a traumatic experience. Studies have confirmed that women are about two times more prone to develop this disorder than males.

Acute anxiety disorder is frequently brief, lasting mere minutes or hours. When a person is going through a panic attack, they may be withdrawn and develop mood swings. It's possible to bring on this condition by abnormal fear or worry. Those who go through panic attacks usually perceive that these experiences to be the scariestpoints in their life. |Sufferers agree that it's extremely scary to go through an panic attack.}Sufferers tend to crave to avoid the spot where they first got their panic attack where they usually feel like they are losing control.This is what's more commonly named the "Flight or fight" response.

Many things can cause a man to have a panic attack. Phobic responses or grief are some of the more usual causes.Acute situational anxiety is the normal step after a person faces something extremely scary.A huge life experience can also be a cause. Cannabis, mushrooms, drugs, emotions of low self-worth, "what if thinking," and even caffeine or nicotine can lead to acute anxiety depression. Long-term panic disorders can be begot by the environment or could even run in the family.

Acute anxiety symptoms are mainly grouped into physical, perceptual, mental and emotional groups. The physical symptoms are shortness of breath, lightheadedness, uncontrollable itching and crying, claustrophobia, , exhaustion and racing pulse. The way a sufferer perceives the surroundings also changes. Time may seem to slow down or speed up, it may seem as if they are in a dream or develop the so called tunnel vision. The person feels utter terror, remembers old phobias and feels a variety of fears. Loss of control, extreme stress and fidgeting, feeling that everything is fall apart and unhelpful internal dialogue are but a few mental states that a person goes through.

Help for panic attacks vary. It is best to seek out the help of a medical professional. From our experience, there is no single acute anxiety cure. Often the sufferers are helped by a bunch of therapies.Medicine is mostly very helpful in the beginning stages of the condition.As it's commonly believed, pills only hide the symptoms, but they usually don't treat the cause.

Eventually, the cause of this disorder is the bad emotions and thoughts that should be addressed in the first place. Self help books, tapes, seminars or an experienced doctor is usually the missing link. The good news is that acute anxiety is not life threatening and most people go on to make a full recovery.

Take this Anxiety Test now and get a free detailed report with simple to understand graphics and a breakdown of your situation.

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About the Author

Take this Anxiety Test now and get a free detailed report about anti anxiety medication with easy to read graphics and a breakdown of your situation.

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